A wrapped method for cross_move, which includes the allowance operation.
Developers can easily move TEA among different token_id and don’t need to set the user allowance manually.
A wrapped method for deposit, which includes the allowance operation.
A wrapped method for refund, which includes the allowance operation.
Move TEA value from one token_id balance to another token_id balance.
Most likely a move between TAppStore balance and a TAppToken balance due to buying/selling a token.
Return magic number from settings.
The op-code is GetMagicNumberRequest.
Move token from user to another user.
It’s usually used to move TEA under GLOBAL token_id, which is TAppStore in the system.
Return all selected data of payload and transform it to string.
Return all selected data of payload after transforming to u64.
Return the first row of payload.
Return first select data of payload and transform it to string.
Return the first selected data of payload and transform to u64.
Return all selected rows of payload.
let list_sql = sql_query_first(
“SELECT * FROM TxnGasFeeTable”.to_string(),
let list = query_select_rows(&list_sql)?;
Generate a vec sql payload.
Generate an sql payload.
let list_sql = sql_query_first(
“SELECT * FROM TxnGasFeeTable”.to_string(),
Transform an sql value to an optional string. (sql value can be NULL).
Transform an sql value to an optional u64 (sql value can be NULL).
Transform an sql value to string.
Transform an sql value to u64.
Return total count of tables with Token_Id
in sql.